Saturday, February 11, 2012


So I’m starting to feel it. What I mean is that inevitable feeling that you feel when you’re so overwhelmed that your dreams at night usually consist of all the things you need to do. You know like clean your house which in my case hasn’t been done in forever, write one of the 12 papers you have coming up, check your APA on the paper you have done…etc. I’m actually writing this blog while sitting in class. I know…I know horrible but I need to vent. I seriously have so much to do. I decided to be productive and make a calendar so I would know exactly what I need to do every day. Basically the next break I have…and when I say break I mean doing something besides school work is the 26th. I’m going to have to just suck it up and push through. Sometimes I wish I were a trust fund kid so I could lie around and for the most part be worry free. But noooooo instead I am accruing student debt as we speak so that I can get an MSW and make peanuts. Weird thing is I feel so lucky. How blessed am I to be able to attend such a great school and learn to give the gift of giving. I saw a passage in class today and wanted to share it with you all…

                “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this”

Esther 4:14

I love this! I feel like I was put in a position to learn to help and hopefully make a huge difference someday. I plan on taking my royal position to higher places. I’m lucky really lucky and so grateful.

Ok so I’ll stop with the dramatics now and move on to funnier more entertaining things. Has everyone run out to get Breaking Dawn? If you haven’t you should! After class I am going straight home…making chicken salad “it’s all I can think about” and putting in Breaking Dawn. I apologize a head of time to my wonderful husband Anthony Munoz. Unfortunately for him he will probably be watch this DVD at least 10 times this week. I can’t help it I’m a Twihard! O here is some big news…my nephew got his driving permit! You people have no idea how old this makes me feel. I swear when I got the text from my sister with a huge picture of EJ “my nephew” holding up a permit I almost started crying. Then I realized I was crying because I’m old enough to have a nephew that drives…when did that happen?

 Have you ever been in class with someone that talk s so much you just want to turn around and ask them to please shut up? I have one of those in my class right now! Seriously she doesn’t stop talking. The teacher started talking about working in a practice with tough issues. For example if you are sensitive to abortion it’s probably not the best idea for you to practice at Plant Parenthood. So this girl makes the point that she isn’t comfortable with abortion “totally unnecessary!” The teacher goes on to tell the class right after this comment that we need to be careful about the things we say in the class, because someone in the class might have had an abortion. The girl then goes on a 30 minute “no joke” rant about how she doesn’t mean any judgment. It took everything I had not too role my eyes. Finally a guy in the front of the class said “WE GOT IT.” I might have prayed for patience last night. Wrong thing to do…god is obviously testing me today.

Well everyone I think that’s a wrap. Sorry this post is a week late. I’ll do better next week. I hope everyone reading this has a great day. I certainly plan too!

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